NFPA Education & Technology Foundation Giving Opportunities
The NFPA Education & Technology Foundation offers many ways for you to make an impact on fluid power education, our annual giving society, the Pascal Society, the Benefactor’s Circle, Legacy Builders, and more.
Inspire the Future Fluid Power Workforce
National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) members consistently rank recruiting a skilled workforce among their companies' most challenging issues. As a result, NFPA has identified growing the fluid power workforce as one of its primary strategic priorities. Our mission is to increase the number of technical college and university students educated in fluid power and connect them to careers in the fluid power industry.
Pascal Society donations have the power to expand fluid power education in schools at all levels, much like its famous namesake's multiplier effect. The Benefactor's Circle allows the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation to secure a stable financial future through planned multi-year giving.
The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation thanks the many generous individual and corporate donors who share our mission of meeting the workforce development needs of the U.S. fluid power industry. We honor donors who have given $25,000 or more as Legacy Builders at our Annual Conference.
You can make a donation to the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation by following this link or by contacting Stephanie Scaccianoce, NFPA's VP, Workforce Development at sscaccianoce@nfpa.com.
There are many other opportunities to give and to get engaged in the activities of the NFPA Foundation.
The Pascal Society is the annual giving society of the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation.
Named after Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician, physicist and inventor whose famous law describes fluid power’s force multiplier effect, the Pascal Society seeks to create a similar multiplier effect for the fluid power industry.
A gift through the Pascal Society is one equal to at least 50% of an NFPA member company's dues.
As a Pascal donor, you receive recognition benefits and participation opportunities to engage in and grow the programs most needed by the industry.
By combining the financial and volunteer contributions of many individuals into one concerted effort, the Society will develop the resources, tools and people needed to tackle our difficult workforce development challenge.
The Benefactor’s Circle is a giving and recognition society within the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation that allows individuals from the fluid power industry to support the workforce development mission of the NFPA Foundation and to engage with the growing and vibrant fluid power industry.
To join the Benefactor's Circle, an individual must make a $25,000 commitment to the NFPA Foundation, payable in annual installments over five years and may renew their commitment for additional five-year periods.
As a member of the Benefactor's Circle, you receive recognition benefits and participation opportunities to engage with other NFPA members, hear from industry experts, and work with the next generation in the fluid power industry.
- Receive invitations and waived registration to attend NFPA’s Annual Conference, where the individual will be recognized and thanked from the podium and invited to attend a special function with the NFPA Board of Directors.
- Receive invitations and waived registration to attend NFPA's Industry and Economic Outlook Conference, where the individual will be recognized and thanked from the podium. The IEOC offers valuable networking opportunities and thought-provoking educational sessions.
- Receive invitations to attend NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge events, beginning with the fall Networking Mixer where attendees can recruit talented students, and culminating in the Final Competitions where the individual will be able to interact with and judge the designs of the participating students.
- Be recognized on the NFPA Foundation website and in NFPA Foundation collateral materials.
Thomas Wanke was a monumental figure in fluid power, active for more than 50 years and influencing generations of fluid power engineers through his work at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, its Fluid Power Institute, and with the National Fluid Power Association.
To honor his memory, and to help ensure that his positive impact on fluid power education continues to be felt, the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation has established the Thomas Wanke Legacy Fund.
Donations will support fluid power scholarships and education activities at universities throughout the United States.
Other Forms of Support
In addition to support through the Pascal Society, companies are able to support fluid power workforce development programs through donations or any size as well as through education program participation.
Companies and individuals donate to the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation in many ways, including special events each year at our Annual Conference and Industry and Economic Outlook Conference.
We are grateful for the individuals and companies that have donated to the NFPA Education and Technology Foundation between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024. Your donations make the foundation's work possible and expand access to fluid power education throughout the country.
- Adams Air & Hydraulics
- Aladco, LLC
- Alfa Laval
- Alro Steel Corporation
- Applied Industrial Technologies
- ArcelorMittal Tubular Products
- Automated Wire Products
- AW-Lake Company
- B&B Management Labs
- Bosch Rexroth
- Bucher Hydraulics
- Cadenas PARTsolutions
- Camozzi Pneumatics, Inc.
- Casappa Corp.
- Michael Casey
- Caterpillar Inc.
- Certified Power/Hydrotech, Inc./Fluid System Components
- Charter Dura-Bar, Inc.
- CIM-TEK Filtration
- Comer Industries, Inc.
- Continental Hydraulics
- Cross Company
- Custom Hydraulics and Design
- Danfoss Power Solutions
- Delaware Manufacturing Industries Corp.
- Delta Motion
- Deltrol Fluid Products
- DGD Fluid Power
- Elevat
- Employee Owned Holdings, Inc.
- Endeavor Business Media
- Engineering Technology Services
- eShipping, LLC
- Festo
- Flodraulic Group, Inc.
- Flow Control Group
- FluiDyne Fluid Power Corporation
- FORCE America Inc./ Valve Division
- Susan Giese
- GPM Controls LLC
- Carolyn Hacklet
- HAWE Hydraulik GmbH & Co KG
- Helios Technologies
- Hercules Sealing Producgts
- Husco
- HYDAC/ Schroeder Industries
- Hydra-Power Systems, Inc.
- Hydraulex Global
- Hydro Electronic Devices, Inc.
- IC-Fluid Power
- Ifm efector
- IFP Motion Solutions, Inc.
- Industrial Hard Chrome
- In Memory of Paul Rozek
- JEM Technical Marketing Company
- Sheku Kamara
- Karen Keck
- Mary Kenney
- Kepner Products Company
- Kraft Fluid Systems
- KYB Americas Corporation
- Eric Lanke
- Leggett & Platt Hydraulics
- Lexair
- Linde Hydraulics Corp.
- Main Manufacturing Products, Inc.
- MFP Seals
- MHA Zentgraf Corporation
- Micromatic LLC
- Moog, Inc.
- Moseys Production Machinists, Inc.
- Motion & Flow Control Products
- MP Filtri
- MTE Hydraulics
- National Tube Supply Company
- Mike Naughton
- Niagara LaSalle Corporation
- Noshok
- Nott Company
- OEM Controls, Inc.
- OPS Controls, Inc.
- Paquin Company
- Parker Hannifin Corp.
- Plymouth Tube Company
- Poclain Hydraulics, Inc.
- Power Systems Florida
- QP Hydraulics
- R&J Cylinder & Machine, Inc.
- Steven Raith
- ROSS Controls
- Salesforce
- Scanreco, Inc.
- Service Center Metals
- Sharon Tube Division of Zekelman Industries
- Singer Industrial
- Paul Spotts
- SPX Hydraulic Technologies
- Eric Striegel
- SunSource
- Joan Tarantino
- Michael Thomas
- TraceParts
- Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
- Ultra Clean Technologies Corporation
- Walvoil Fluid Power
- Vis Hydraulics North America
- World Wide Fittings Corporation
- WTWH Media
- Yates Industries, Inc.
The Legacy Builder Award recognizes all NFPA Education and Technology Foundation donors whose cumulative donations have reached $25,000 or more. Each year, a new class of Legacy Builders is inducted into this elite club at the NFPA Annual Conference.
Class of 2024
- Micromatic, LLC
- Stauff Corporation
- Walvoil Fluid Power
Class of 2023
- Alro Steel Corporation
- Applied Industrial Technologies
- Industrial Hard Chrome
Class of 2022
- Hydraforce
Class of 2020
- Daman Products Company
- Kawasaki Precision Machinery
- Muncie Power Products, Inc.
- Norgren
- SunSource
Class of 2019
- Clippard Instrument Laboratory
- Festo Corporation
- Hitachi
- Iowa Fluid Power
- OEM Controls
- Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Class of 2018
- FORCE America
- HUSCO International
- International Fluid Power Society
- Quality Control Corporation
Class of 2017
- Linde Hydraulics
- Lubrizol
- Proportion Air
- Woodward HRT
Class of 2016
- Afton Chemical
- Bobcat
- Chevron
- Donaldson Company
- Evonik Oil Additives
- ExxonMobil
- HYDAC and Schroeder Industries
- Hydra-Power Systems
- Hydraquip
- Netshape Technologies
- Poclain Hydraulics
Class of 2015
- CNH Industrial
- Pall Corporation
- Moog
Class of 2014
- Danfoss Power Solutions
- Eaton Corporation
- Gates Corporation
- ROSS Controls
Class of 2013
- Bimba Manufacturing
- Bosch Rexroth Corporation
- Caterpillar
- Deltrol Fluid Products
- Parker Hannifin Corporation
Class of 2012
- Enfield Technologies
Class of 2010
- Sun Hydraulics Corporation
Thirty-five NFPA member companies and education partners from across the country have been recognized as Fluid Power Action Challenge Champions for their efforts in organizing and running Fluid Power Action Challenge events in their local communities. In doing so, they have not only made serious investments of both time and money but have also helped spread information about our industry and reaped the benefits that come with connecting their organizations to the schools and science classrooms where the industry’s future employees are learning fluid power for the first time.
- Bennett Mills Middle School – 4 annual events, engaging 180 total students
- Bucher Hydraulics - 1 event (new), engaging 20 total students
- Caterpillar – 5 annual events, engaging 372 total students
- Cleveland Community College – 6 annual events, engaging 198 total students
- Cooper Middle School – 3 annual events, engaging 171 total students
- Daman Products Company – 10 annual events, engaging 904 total students
- Deltrol Fluid Products –11 annual events, engaging 2,608 total students
- Dura-Bar - 2 annual events, engaging 158 total students
- Eisenhower Junior High – 2 annual events, engaging 36 total students
- Florida Technology Student Association – 5 events, engaging 129 total students
- FORCE America – 8 annual events, engaging 493 total students
- Georgia Tech University – 2 annual events, engaging 136 total students
- Gulliver – 1 annual event, engaging 90 total students
- Husco and Waukesha STEM Academy – 4 annual events, engaging 332 total students
- Hydroquip - 1 annual event, engaging 18 total students
- Hydrotech – 1 annual event, engaging 20 total students
- Jerling Middle School – 4 annual events, engaging 803 total students
- Komatsu Mining Corp Group – 4 annual events, engaging 251 total students
- LoneStar Community College – 3 annual event, engaging 65 total students
- Master Pneumatic – 8 annual events, engaging 1,250 total students
- Mequon School District – 1 annual event, engaging 36 total students
- Micromatic – 1 annual event, engaging 20 total students
- Milwaukee School of Engineering – 14 annual events, engaging 1,426 total students
- Oak Prairie Middle School - 2 annual events, engaging 68 students
- Parker Hannifin – 2 annual events, engaging 44 total students
- Pennsylvania Small Business Education Fund – 5 annual events, engaging 604 total students
- Price Engineering – 6 annual events, engaging 881 total students
- Purdue University – 7 annual events, engaging 373 total students
- Ridgewood High School - 2 annual events, engaging 325 total students
- SMC Business Councils – 2 annual events, engaging 224 total students
- Triton College - 2 annual events, engaging 52 total students
- Triton Girls Summer Camp – 2 annual events, engaging 80 total students
- University of Minnesota – 5 annual events, engaging 352 total students
- Valley View Junior High School – 3 annual event, engaging 324 total students
- Wojanis Supply Company – 10 annual events, engaging 911 total students
In total, our Fluid Power Action Challenge Champions have organized 150 events impacting 13,969 students.
Your Donation Makes a Difference
Our workforce development programs are made possible through the generous contributions of NFPA member companies and friends. Your donation will help us build on the success of our current programs.